Tomcat behind Apache behind Firewall: AJP ignores X-Forwarded-Proto -
we have following setup in case of https traffic:
- firewall: terminates https, adds "x-forwarded-proto: https", forwards apache via http
- apache: forwards tomcat through ajp
- tomcat: receives request via ajp-connector
we have added remoteipvalve tomcat's server.xml:
<valve classname="org.apache.catalina.valves.remoteipvalve" remoteipheader="x-forwarded-for" protocolheader="x-forwarded-proto" />
it works if skip apache , forward straight firewall tomcat regular http-connector. in case tomcat uses https redirect , base urls.
but once go through apache , ajp, x-forwarded-proto header seems ignored. checked, x-forwarded-proto header still present on tomcat's request.
i guess tomcat told through ajp front-end protocol used (http or https). maybe doesn't happen? need tell apache somehow consider x-forwarded-proto ajp?
apache virtualhost configuration:
<virtualhost *:80> servername jkmount /* loadbalancerhd </virtualhost>
worker.list=loadbalancerhd worker.loadbalancerhd.balance_workers=hdnode1,hdnode2 worker.loadbalancerhd.type=lb worker.loadbalancerhd.sticky_session=true worker.hdnode1.type=ajp13 worker.hdnode1.port=8010 worker.hdnode1.distance=0 worker.hdnode2.type=ajp13 worker.hdnode2.port=8010 worker.hdnode2.distance=1
after studying mod_jk docs found out mod_jk evaluates apache environment variable https
in order detect https. variable set mod_ssl if apache processes https traffic itself. not case since https terminated before apache.
simply setting environment variable based on http header trick:
setenvifnocase x-forwarded-proto https https=on
btw: the environment variable evaluated mod_jk can changed jkhttpsindicator
directive (see mod_jk docs). following same:
setenvifnocase x-forwarded-proto https external_traffic_is_https=on jkhttpsindicator external_traffic_is_https
might useful if changing https
interfere other modules.
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