oracle - calling stored procedure from anonymous block -
i have problem reading result plsql stored procedure written in sql developer on oracle 11gr2 database on local machine.
this table:
create table my_test_table (employee_id number(6) ,first_name varchar2(20) ,last_name varchar2(25) ,email varchar2(25) ,phone_number varchar2(20));
this procedure declaration:
create or replace package test_package procedure test_procedure (i_id in number, o_data out sys_refcursor); end test_package;
this body:
create or replace package body test_package procedure test_procedure (i_id in number, o_data out sys_refcursor) begin open o_data select employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number my_test_table employee_id = i_id; close o_data; end test_procedure; end test_package;
and anonymous block call:
set serveroutput on declare in_id number; my_cursor sys_refcursor; current_record my_test_table%rowtype; begin in_id := 1; test_package.test_procedure(in_id, my_cursor); open my_cursor; loop fetch my_cursor current_record; exit when my_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(' - out - ' || current_record.employee_id); end loop; end;
i getting error:
error starting @ line : 2 in command - declare in_id number; my_cursor sys_refcursor; current_record my_test_table%rowtype; begin in_id := 1; test_package.test_procedure(in_id, my_cursor); open my_cursor; loop fetch my_cursor current_record; exit when my_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(' - out - ' || current_record.employee_id); end loop; end; error report - ora-06550: line 8, column 5: pls-00382: expression of wrong type ora-06550: line 8, column 5: pl/sql: sql statement ignored 06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s" *cause: pl/sql compilation error. *action:
can explain wrong? tnx!
the cursor opened in procedure, don't need to, , can't, open directly in anonymous block. well, should open, you're closing in procedure. remove close
procedure, , open
create or replace package body test_package procedure test_procedure (i_id in number, o_data out sys_refcursor) begin open o_data select employee_id, first_name, last_name, email, phone_number my_test_table employee_id = i_id; -- close o_data; end test_procedure; end test_package; /
declare in_id number; my_cursor sys_refcursor; current_record my_test_table%rowtype; begin in_id := 1; test_package.test_procedure(in_id, my_cursor); -- open my_cursor; loop fetch my_cursor current_record; exit when my_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(' - out - ' || current_record.employee_id); end loop; end; /
sql fiddle - add data...
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