php - Facebook redirect URI login product -

i've been including "login facebook" product wich allows users information based on facebook's account email.

so when try redirect after users accept app on facebook, redirects homepage, not redirect url specified on getloginurl() method.

my code follows:

$fb = new facebook([       'app_id' => "my app id",       'app_secret' => "my secret",       'default_graph_version' => 'v2.2'       ]);  $helper = $fb->getredirectloginhelper();  $permissions = ['email'];  $loginurl = $helper ->getloginurl('', $permissions);  $this->set('urlfacebook',$loginurl); 

these allowed redirection uris:

enter image description here

for reason users redirected when accept conditions on use of app, when expecting redirection

ive been searching on google lots of time , cant understand why.

thanks in advance!

edit: ive included error_reporting on function , i've done process of logging on fb , doesnt show on console..

i discovered mistake on facebook callback function everyone! understood , used v2.8 finally.


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