python - find_parent() method implementation - BeautifulSoup -

find_parent() method different find_parents() method because returns first immediate parent, unlike find_parents() returns entire matching parent tags. why code supposed correct?


given :

   <p>      <a>"...."</a>    </p> 

p isn't immediate parent of string.

parents means ancestor, find_parent("p") means find first ancestor name p

in [5]: soup.a.string.parents out[5]: <generator object parents @ 0x7f2ee14558e0>  in [6]: list(_) out[6]:  [<a>"...."</a>, <p>  <a>"...."</a>  </p>, <body><p>  <a>"...."</a>  </p></body>, <html><body><p>  <a>"...."</a>  </p></body></html>, <html><body><p>  <a>"...."</a>  </p></body></html>]  in [7]: in soup.a.string.parents:    ...:     if == "p":    ...:         print(a)    ...:         break    ...:      <p> <a>"...."</a> </p> 


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