c++ - Can't figure where the unresolved external error is coming from -
the program i'm creating keeps coming unresolved external symbol error , can't figure out going wrong.
the errors coming are:
error lnk1120: 1 unresolved externals
error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall linkedlist::~linkedlist(void)" (??1linkedlist@@qae@xz) referenced in function "void __cdecl `dynamic atexit destructor 'list''(void)" (??__flist@@yaxxz)
any appreciated.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "llist.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include "windows.h" #include <iomanip> using namespace std; linkedlist list; int main() { char menuselect; { menuselect = null; cout << "please press 1 of following options:"; cout << "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-"; cout << "\n1. list vehicles"; cout << "\n2. add vehicle (car or van)"; cout << "\n3. remove vehicle"; cout << "\n4. book car"; cout << "\n5. book van"; cout << "\n6. display vehicle's details"; cout << "\n7. list cars not rented"; cout << "\n8. list 5-door cars"; cout << "\n9. list ford vans rented"; cout << "\n0. quit"; cout << "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-\n"; cin >> menuselect; void addnode(); void deletenode(); void getvehicles(); switch (menuselect) { case '1': getvehicles(); //displays vehicles in list. break; case '2': addnode(); //allows user add vehicle. break; case '3': deletenode(); //allows user delete vehicle. break; case '4': //allows user book car. break; case '5': //allows user book van. break; case '6': //allows user select vehicle , show it's details. break; case '7': //lists vehicles not rented. break; case '8': //lists cars 5 door. break; case '9': //lists of ford vans rented. break; case '0': system("pause"); return 0; break; default: cout << "\n" << menuselect << " not valid selection."; cout << endl; } } while (menuselect != 0); return 0; } void addnode() { node* newnode = new node; cout << "is car or van?: \n"; cin >> newnode->make; cout << "\nenter model: \n"; cin >> newnode->model; cout << "\nenter engine size: \n"; cin >> newnode->engine; cout << "\nenter registration number: \n "; cin >> newnode->registration; list.insertnode(newnode); } void deletenode() { char searchdata; cout << "enter registration plate deleted: "; cin >> searchdata; if (list.deletenode(searchdata)) cout << "\nnode deleted. \n\n\n"; cout << "\nthe registration plate not in list\n\n"; } void getvehicles() { string searchdata; list.displaylist(); }
#include <string> #include "vehicle.h" #include "windows.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int registration; double engine; string model; string make; node* nextnode; int data; }; class linkedlist { private: node* head; public: linkedlist() { head = null; } void insertnode(node*); void searchnode(int); bool deletenode(int deletevehicle); void displaylist(); ~linkedlist(); };
#include <iostream> #include "windows.h" #include <string> #include "llist.h" #include "vehicle.h" #include <iomanip> using namespace std;
#pragma once #include <string> #include "windows.h" //#include "llist.h" template<class registration = int> class vehicle { public: typedef enum { car, van } vehicletype; protected: vehicletype make; char model; bool rent; double enginesize; int registration; public: vehicle(vehicletype make) : model(""), registration(reg), enginesize(engine), make(make), rented(false){} char getmakemodel(); bool getrented; bool setrented(bool rent); int getenginesize(); int getregistration(); ~vehicle(); void listvehicle(); void removevehicle(int deletevehicle); void addvehicle(); void bookvehicle(); void displaydetails(int registration); void listnonrented(); void listfivedoor(); void listrentedfordvan(); }; void linkedlist::insertnode(node* newnode) { newnode->nextnode = head; head = newnode; } bool linkedlist::deletenode(int deletevehicle) { node* beforenode = head; node* thisnode = head; bool found = false; while ((thisnode != null) && !found) { if (thisnode->data == deletevehicle) found = true; else { beforenode = thisnode; thisnode = thisnode->nextnode; } } if (found) { if (thisnode == head) { node* oldhead = head; head = head->nextnode; delete oldhead; } else { beforenode->nextnode = thisnode->nextnode; delete thisnode; } return true; } return false; } void linkedlist:: displaylist() { node* thisnode = head; if (head == null) { cout << "\nthe list empty\n"; } else cout << "\tmake\tmodel\tregistration number\tengine size\trented?"; { cout << setw(30) << left << thisnode->make; cout << setw(25) << left << thisnode->model; cout << setw(20) << left << thisnode->registration; cout << setw(15) << left << thisnode->engine; //cout << setw(10) << left << thisnode->rented; } while (thisnode != null); { cout << "\n\n"; } }
the problem in line:
here declared destructor linkedlist
, there's no place defined it.
try writing
~linkedlist() = default;
or, older c++
~linkedlist() {};
or remove line - compiler define destructor default behavior you, automatically.
please note default destructor not delete pointer members, so, in case, have memory leak (head
not deleted , deallocated). may fixed in number of ways, example, using std::unique_ptr<linkedlist>
instead of raw pointers or explicitly writing delete head
in destructor body.
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