git - Read value from file - shell script -

i have jenkinsfile read values within shell script.

the section of file

-- jenkinsfile stage ('setup vars') {   switch(branch_name) {     case 'develop':       env.echo_chamber_branch = 'develop'       env.hendricks_js_integration_branch = 'master'       env.features_branch = 'master'     break     case 'master':       env.echo_chamber_branch = 'develop'       env.hendricks_js_integration_branch = 'master'       env.features_branch = 'master'     break     default:       env.echo_chamber_branch = 'feature-branch'       env.hendricks_js_integration_branch = 'feature-branch'       env.features_branch = 'feature-branch'     break   } } 

i need read values assigned env.echo_chamber_branch, env.hendricks_js_integration , env.features_branch within default section of case statement, in example feature-branch returned each variable

using shell script how can these values

any appreciated (any questions please ask)


improved case_to_var script (usage "case_to_var filename"):

#!/bin/sed -nf # @ lines ending in ':' /:$/{     # remove leading `case`, spaces, , ':', , save name.     s/.* \|://g     h         # until `break` line, recall name, append variable name,          # , make shell-parsable.         :foo g         n         y/./_/         s/'//g         s/ = /=/         s/\n.*env//gp         /break$/!b foo } 

output of case_to_var jenkinsfile:

develop_echo_chamber_branch=develop develop_hendricks_js_integration_branch=master develop_features_branch=master master_echo_chamber_branch=develop master_hendricks_js_integration_branch=master master_features_branch=master default_echo_chamber_branch=feature-branch default_hendricks_js_integration_branch=feature-branch default_features_branch=feature-branch 

making output shell parsable allows executed , used; cautious use of eval:

eval $(case_to_var jenkinsfile) echo $default_features_branch $develop_features_branch 


feature-branch master 

one-liner version:

sed -n '/:$/{s/.* \|://g;h;:foo g;n;y/./_/;s/'"'"'//g;s/ = /=/;s/\n.*env//gp;/break$/!b foo}' jenkinsfile 


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