how to set a backgroundColor from a js in appcelerator Titanium Alloy MVC -
i have small question setting tab names dynamically.
i thinking create options.js , want tab names gather data options.js
<alloy> <tabgroup> <tab title="tab 1" icon="ks_nav_ui.png"> <window class="tab1" title="tab 1"> <label>i window 1</label> <button class="examplebut">button </button> </window> </tab> </tabgroup> </alloy>
i set tab 1 title js file.
how solve ?
you have identify tab unique id
<tab title="tab 1" id='tab1' icon="ks_nav_ui.png">
in same js file exemple index.js (the tab defined in index.xml) can use :
$.tab1.title="my title"
if set title js file can use application events: in index file define application event listener :"app:changetabtitlle",function(e){ $.tab1.title=e.title; });
and other js file have send tab title using fireevent:"app:changetabtitlle",{title:"my tab title"});
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