PHP Proxy for big files (Relaying) -

i looking php function, gets file web server, while outputting it. big file should output chunk eg 1kb once it's loaded , not load whole file , output it. possible?

from understood question want offer file download doesn't eat ram, large files? if so, possible standard php file reading functions; this:

$chunk_size=1024; $file_name='read.txt'; //open file $file=fopen($file_name,'r');  if($file!=false){     //while haven't reached end      while(!feof($file)){         //read chunk , output         $line=fread($file,$chunk_size);         echo $line;     }      fclose($file); } else{      //error reading file } 

you can wrap in php function if like. should noted literally wrote code stack overflow untested. should give idea on theory.

hope helps, ryan

/** edit **/

p.s code not include code force download - if require this, please let me know. also, should work remote files however, there setting in php.ini file allows or prevents action (allow_url_fopen).


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