java - Display a text letter by letter in Android / Runnables are too slow -

i searched didn't found answer, hope can me. want write text letter letter h he , hel , on. did runnables:

private void text001(final string finishedtext) {     ...     ...     final string text = getresources().getstring(r.string.first_start_001);     new handler().postdelayed(new runnable() {         public void run() {             professortext.settext(finishedtext + text.charat(finishedtext.length()));             string finishedtextextra = finishedtext + text.charat(finishedtext.length());             text001(finishedtextextra);             log.i("actual text speed", textspeed + "");         }     }, textspeed);     ...     ... } 

but seems runnables slow. if set textspeed 50ms text appears not faster if set textspeed 100ms. thought maybe have different, found no other way. helping.


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