maven - Use __groupId__ in archetype -
i'm trying create multi module archetype following:
__groupid__.plugin __groupid__.feature
i want set names of modules groupid. use __groupid__
in order set module names. problem these template doesn't recognized. when use __rootartifactid__
code works. using wrong template name?
i have following structure:
archetype |--src |--main |--resources |--sonatype-resources | |--__groupid__.plugin | |--__groupid__.feature | |--pom.xml |---meta-inf |---maven |---archetype-metadata.xml
the module description in archetype-metadata.xml looks this:
<module id="${groupid}.plugin" dir="__groupid__.parent" name="${groupid}.plugin"> <filesets> <fileset filtered="true" encoding="utf-8"> <directory></directory> <includes> <include>.project</include> <include></include> </includes> </fileset> </filesets> </module> <module id="${groupid}.parent" dir="__groupid__.feature" name="${groupid}.feature"> <filesets> <fileset filtered="true" encoding="utf-8"> <directory></directory> <includes> <include>.project</include> <include></include> </includes> </fileset> </filesets> </module>
you can think of using "packaged" property of fileset. using can alter "package" property default value , adding files directly in customized folder.
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