java - Serving different CSS based on user ID - spring mvc -
i have web app developed spring-mvc. every company have admin able edit backgrounds, fonts , colors. app should store color settings( in database or in css file ?) , should use preferred css users belonging same company. different companies see different css.
what best approach achieve that: serving different css based on user id.
you can try code csscontroller mapping method serving css
@requestmapping(value = "/mycustom.css") public @responsebody byte[] getmessages(final httpsession session, final principal principal) { stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer(""); sb.append("/* css*/"); return sb.tostring().getbytes(charset.forname("iso-8859-1")); }
and optionnaly @cacheable if need access db build not have fetch data on every page.
and include :
<link href="/mycustom.css" rel="stylesheet">
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