Unable to get the size of the image ( codeigniter , tcpdf , php ) -

i have problem when trying show picture in tcpdf using codeigniter,

this pdf view:

$base_url=base_url();  // non-breaking rows (nobr="true")  $tbleauproduct = <<<eod <br /><br /><br /> <table border="1" align="center">     <tr>         <th>picture</th>         <th>product name</th>         <th>price</th>         <th>quantity</th>     </tr>     <tr>         <td><img src="$base_url/assets/$picture" /></td>         <td>$name</td>         <td>$price</td>         <td>$qty</td>     </tr> </table> eod;  $pdf->writehtml($tbleauproduct, true, false, true, false, ''); 

and result:

tcpdf error: [image] unable size of image: http://localhost:8888/open_bay//assets/130501153059-htc-one-1024x576.jpeg 

$file_path = base_url().'assets/130501153059-htc-one-1024x576.jpeg'; $size = filesize($file_path); 


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