javascript - How to transfer onclick with a jsp variable and direct to other page -
do know how transfer variable button other page. creating update , delete site. database query data, , there edit button, if press edit, direct second site. site show data information update.
source code below. used below source code, when enter edit, will not direct page(edit_delete.jsp) can 1 plem me, whay wrong code please see bold in source code mark, might problem.
-----------------------------------------source code-----------------------------------------------------------
<script language="javascript"> function editrecord(no){ var f=document.form1; alert(no); f.method="post"; **f.action='edit_delete.jsp?id='+no;** f.submit(); } </script> class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver").newinstance(); con = drivermanager.getconnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/webapp?user=root&useunicode=true&characterencoding=big5"); stmt=con.preparestatement("select id, no, name, class, test"); rs = stmt.executequery(); while( { int test = rs.getint("no"); out.print("<tr><td>"); out.print(rs.getstring("id")); out.print("</td><td>"); out.print(rs.getstring("no")); out.print("</td><td>"); out.print(rs.getstring("name")); out.print("</td><td>"); out.print(rs.getstring("class")); out.print("</td><td>"); out.print("</td><td>"); **out.println("<input type='button' name='edit' value='edit' onclick='editrecord('rs.getint('no'))'>");** out.print("</td></tr>"); } %>
always try avoid scriplet instead use javaserver pages standard tag library , expression language more easy use , less error prone.
sql tag library designed accessing databases quick prototyping , simple applications.
sample code:
<%@ taglib prefix="sql" uri=""%> ... <sql:setdatasource var="webappdatasource" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.driver" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/webapp?user=root&useunicode=true&characterencoding=big5" user="root" password="" /> <sql:query datasource="${webappdatasource}" sql="select id, no, name, class, test" var="result" /> <table width="100%" border="1"> <c:foreach var="row" items="${result.rows}"> <tr> <td>${}</td> <td>${}</td> <td>${}</td> <td>${}</td> <td>${row.class}</td> <td><input type='button' name='edit' value='edit' onclick='editrecord(${})' /></td> </tr> </c:foreach> </table>
you can try window open() method instead of form submit it's simple request , value passed query string in url.
for e.g.
<input type='button' name='edit' value='edit' onclick='"edit_delete.jsp?id=${}");'/>
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