javascript - Scope of this in click handler ECMA script 6 -

as scope of this becomes available in es6 arrow functions.

but here case in unable access this in arrow function while working normal anonymous function


sample 1

$(document).ready(function() {     $('.principal').click(() => {         alert($(this).parent().html()); // 'this' undefined here     }); }) 

sample 2

$(document).ready(function() {     $('.principal').click(function() {         alert($(this).parent().html()); // 'this' available here     }); }) 

the reason jquery explicitly binds this object in click handler element on event captured. way context using standard function, since indeed arrow function ignores binding.

so need either:

  • stick standard function callback, or
  • use currenttarget property of event object argument jquery passes callback

the latter so:

$(document).ready(function() {      $('.principal').click((e) => {          console.log($(e.currenttarget).parent().html());      });  })
<script src=""></script>  <div><button class="principal">click me</button></div>


<button class="principal">click me</button> 


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