delphi xe - Copy Email Program to another computer -
i wrote program send email in delphi xe3 , , works fine , when copy program computer (windows 8) works fine on computer (windows 7) stmp.send did not respond unless install embarcadero on .i think problem in files libeay32.dll , ssleay32.dll here code
var smtp: tidsmtp; email: tidmessage; sslhandler: tidssliohandlersocketopenssl; begin smtp := tidsmtp.create(nil); email := tidmessage.create(nil); sslhandler := tidssliohandlersocketopenssl.create(nil); try sslhandler.maxlineaction := maexception; sslhandler.ssloptions.method := sslvtlsv1; sslhandler.ssloptions.mode := sslmunassigned; sslhandler.ssloptions.verifymode := []; sslhandler.ssloptions.verifydepth := 0; smtp.iohandler := sslhandler; := ''; smtp.username := ''; smtp.usetls := utuseexplicittls; smtp.port := 587; smtp.password := 'password'; smtp.connect; email.clear; email.attachmentencoding:='mime' ; email.isencoded := true; email.charset := 'utf-8'; email.contenttype :='multipart/alternative'; email.encoding := memime; email.usenowfordate := true; email.from.address := 'address' ; email.recipients.emailaddresses := 'recipients'; email.subject := 'subject'; email.body.text :='body' ; smtp.send(email); smtp.disconnect; except on e:exception button1.caption:=e.message; end;;;; end;
any idea
the files libeay32.dll , ssleay32.dll needed executable. place them in same folder executable , should work, when don't install delphi on target computer.
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