sql - how to implement transport for sqlresult set? -

    january february march april   500     200      300   400 

below code this:

select   sum (case when [month] = 1 forecastdemand else 0.0  end ) january,  sum(case when [month] = 2 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) february,   sum(case when [month] = 3 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) march ,  sum(case when [month] = 4 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) april ,  sum(case when [month] = 5 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) may ,  sum(case when [month] = 6 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) june ,   sum(case when [month] = 7 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) july ,  sum(case when [month] = 8 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) august ,   sum(case when [month] = 9 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) september ,  sum(case when [month] = 10 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) october ,  sum(case when [month] = 11 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) november ,  sum(case when [month] = 12 forecastdemand  else 0.0 end) december  forecastreorder result productid = 2 

how can make

  month     result january   500 february  200 march     300 april     400 

i know can use pivot unpivot how can apply it?? thank in advanced :)

is want?

select (case when [month] = 1 'january'              when [month] = 2 'february'              when [month] = 3 'march'              when [month] = 4 'april'         end) mon, sum(forecastdemand) result            forecastreorder fr productid = 2 ,       [month] in (1, 2, 3, 4) group [month] order [month]; 


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