java - move a ball one after another -
i writing code of game bean machine(galton box), mechanism 1 ball fall , move randomly until 1 of slots (randomly) , ball comes doing same thing , on, problem balls fall @ same time not want, want each ball fall when current 1 finishes travel..can helps me ! thanks..
here code:
import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collection; import java.util.random; import java.util.scanner; import java.lang.iterable; import javax.swing.*; public class ballpanel extends jpanel { int x=1, y=1; collection <ball> ball; public static void main(string [] args){ // create list swingutilities.invokelater(new runnable() { public void run() { jframe frame= new jframe("bean game"); frame.add(new ballpanel()); frame.setsize(300,500); frame.setlocationrelativeto(null); frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); frame.setvisible(true); } }); } public ballpanel() { jpanel panel = new jpanel(); ball=new arraylist<>(); for(int i=1;i<=4;i++){ ball.add(new ball(x,y)); x++; y++; } timer timer = new timer(400, new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { (ball b: ball) { b.move();repaint(); } } }); timer.start(); } protected void paintcomponent(graphics g) { super.paintcomponent(g); int raduis=10; int i=0; int width=(getwidth()/8); int space=(getwidth()-8*30)/2; g.setcolor(; for(i=0;i<=8;i++){ g.drawline(space+(30*i),getheight()-5*(raduis) ,space+(30*i) ,getheight() ); if(i!=0 && i!=8) g.filloval(space+(30*i)-5, getheight()-5*(raduis)-5, 10, 10); if(i==0){ g.drawline(space,getheight()-5*(raduis) , space+((8)*15)-(raduis/2)-15 , getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2); g.drawline(space+((8)*15)-(raduis/2)-15 , getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2 , space+((8)*15)-(raduis/2)-15 , getheight()/2-8*8);//vertical line } if(i==8){ g.drawline(space+(30*i), getheight()-5*(raduis), space+((8)*15)+(raduis/2)+15, getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2); g.drawline(space+((8)*15)+(raduis/2)+15 , getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2 , space+((8)*15)+(raduis/2)+15 , getheight()/2-8*8);//vertical line } } int o=1; for(i=1;i<=8-2;i++){ int k=2; for(int j=i;j<=8-2;j++){ g.filloval(space+((i+k)*15)-raduis/2, getheight()-(5*raduis)-(30*o)-raduis/2, raduis, raduis); k=k+2; }o++; } (ball b : ball) { b.draw(g); } } public class ball { random rand=new random(); private int n; private int raduis = 10; private int moveraduis=12; private int l = 0; private int r = 0; private int d = 0; int x, y; public ball(int x, int y){ this.x=x; this.y=y; } public void draw(graphics g) { g.setcolor(; g.filloval(getwidth()/2 -raduis/2 + r + l, 0 + d , moveraduis, moveraduis); } public void move() { n=1+rand.nextint(100); if(n<=51){ d+=15; if(d<=(getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2)) l=0; else if(d>getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2 && d<getheight()-5*(raduis)) { d+=15; l-=15; } else if(d>=getheight()-5*(raduis)) { if(d==31*15)d-=15; d=d; } } else if (n>=51 && n<=100){ d+=15; if(d<=getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2) r=0; else if(d>getheight()-15-(5*raduis)-(30*(8-2))-raduis/2 && d<getheight()-5*(raduis)) { d+=15; r+=15; } else if(d>=getheight()-5*(raduis)){ if(d==31*15)d-=15; d=d; } } } } }
so, movement code moves balls on each iteration, need have "active" ball, example...
private ball activeball; timer timer = new timer(400, new actionlistener() { public void actionperformed(actionevent e) { if (activeball != null && activeball.hascompleted()) { activeball = null; } if (activeball == null && ball.size() > 0) { activeball = ball.remove(0); } if (activeball != null) { activeball.move(); repaint(); } } });
you'll need add in kind of check determine ball has completed it's run though
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