fortran - error message in plato -
i new fortran , doing elementary practice. have installed plato latest edition. found program in net, , try compile
program dotprod implicit none real :: c real, dimension(3) :: a, b print*,'enter first vector' read*, print*,'enter second vector' read*, b c = a(1)*b(1) + a(2)*b(2) + a(3)*b(3) print*,'dot product = ', c end program dotprod
plato shows no sign of error when build , compile, when try run program following error message shows up: executable not exist.
can me explain how handle error ?
maybe file name long. had same error message, , saved file using shorter name , worked... tried code , works on plato (ftn95 personal edition (ftn95pe) version 7.20) on windows 10.
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