Install R package: UScensus2010blk for windows -

did tried install r package: uscensus2010blk on own pc?

i tried use uscensus2010:

install.blk ("windows")

it gives error saying "not available yet"

i downloaded package myself (4.2gb!) , tried install local , still error messages:

  • installing source package 'uscensus2010blk' ... ** data warning in file.copy(files, is, true) : problem copying data\montana.blk10.rda q:\lcvdj\r\r-3.0.2\library\uscensus2010blk\data\montana.blk10.rda: invalid argument


(the error message repeats different states) ...

** error in lazyloaddbinsertlistelement(from, i, datafile, ascii, compress, : write failed error: installing rd objects failed package 'uscensus2010blk' * removing 'q:/lcvdj/r/r-3.0.2/library/uscensus2010blk' warning in install.packages : running command '"q:/lcvdj/r/r-30~1.2/bin/i386/r" cmd install -l "q:\lcvdj\r\r-3.0.2\library" "c:/users/n1304/downloads/uscensus2010blk_1.00.tar.gz"' had status 1 warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘c:/users/n1304/downloads/uscensus2010blk_1.00.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status

does have idea why installation failed? i'm using r-3.0.2


there's error in census2010 package. functions install.tract, install.blk, install.blkgrp, install.county, , install.cdp supposed check r version >= 2.11 if call functions "windows" argument, check minor version if have r version 3.0 through 3.10 incorrectly report error.

to work around error, should able run

install.packages('uscensus2010blk', repos='', type='source') 

instead of



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