javascript - FancyBox popup loses all styling when loading Partial View -
i trying load partial view in mvc project using fancybox. seems load content correctly. of anyway seems cut page short, loses styling view when loads it.
i have included css files in partial view still no luck.
my partial view follows:
@model approvalsystem.viewmodels.requestdetailviewmodel @section styles { <link href="~/content/site.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="~/content/material.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="~/content/jquery.fancybox.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> } //content here - not providing quite large. classes , remain in partial view though cannot see being issue. @section scripts { <script> $(document).ready(function () { $('[data-fancybox]').fancybox({ maxwidth : 800, maxheight : 600, fittoview : false, width : '70%', height : '70%', autosize : false, closeclick : false, openeffect : 'none', closeeffect : 'none' }); }) </script> }
my link open fancybox is:
<a data-fancybox href="@url.action("detailpartial", new { id = model.request.parentrequestid })" class="mui-btn mui-btn--fab mui-btn--small fancybox.ajax">@model.request.parentrequestid</a>
and controller method return partial view is:
public async task<actionresult> detailpartial(int id) { var request = _uow.requestservice.get(id); var currentuser = await azuregraph.getuser(); viewbag.currentuser = currentuser.displayname; viewbag.nextapprover = _uow.responseservice.get().where(r => r.requestid == id && r.responsestatus == requeststatus.notprocessed).select(r => r.responder).firstordefault(); requestdetailviewmodel viewmodel = new requestdetailviewmodel() { request = request }; if (request.folderid != null) viewmodel.attachments = await azuregraph.getfilesystemobjects(request.folderid); else viewmodel.attachments = new list<fsobject>(); return partialview("detailpartial", viewmodel); }
i out of ideas , appreciated.
edit - added screenshot
managed solve this. issue because partial view had no layout, sections werent being loaded correctly. created basic layout partial views , works expected.
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