regex - How to match parenthesis in StanfordNLP regexNER? -
i want use stanfordnlp regexner annotate data using dictionary lists. unfortunately not able match parenthesis within pattern in :
"iq (ma) max"
where match should either "iq" or "iq (ma) max"
i tried different regex, such
iq(\s\(\sma\s\)\smax)? iq(\\s\\(\\sma\\s\\)\\smax)?
but nothing matches "iq"
can help? possible @ regex?
your rule should formatted way:
iq -lrb- ma -rrb- max entity misc 1
if want after iq optional, think easiest thing write separate rule iq
each element of space separated list @ beginning of regexner rule regular expression matches token, if add question marks can make of tokens in pattern optional, i'm not sure there's way make them optional group or not.
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