jquery - How to update with animation a Pie Chart? -
i can't animate pie chart when clicking update new chart new content comes in, content updating chart remains , want update , @ same time chart should showing new lines , points.
here code:
<canvas id="chart-area-service_hours"></canvas> <button class="button btn btn-md btn-block btn-default" id="update- statistic" style="width: 50%;margin: 0 auto;">Обнавить</button> var randomhours = function() { return math.round(math.random() * 12); }; var service_hours = { type: 'pie', data: { datasets: [{ data: [ {% service in current_user.services %} [ randomhours(), ], {% endfor %} ], backgroundcolor: [ {% service in current_user.services %} '#00ffff', window.chartcolors.purple, '#ff9900', window.chartcolors.grey, window.chartcolors.brown, // window.chartcolors.green, // window.chartcolors.yellow, // window.chartcolors.purple, {% endfor %} ], label: 'Распределение рабочих часов по услугам' }], labels: [ {% service in current_user.services %} "{{service.title}}", {% endfor %} ] }, options: { responsive: true, } }; var ctx = document.getelementbyid("chart-area-service_hours").getcontext("2d"); window.mypie = new chart(ctx, service_hours); document.getelementbyid('update-statistic').addeventlistener('click', function() { all_brnoi_line.data.datasets.foreach(function(dataset) { dataset.data = dataset.data.map(function() { return randomscalingfactor(); }); }); $("#chart-area-1").hide().html('<canvas id="chart-area-1" class="all-broni">').fadein('fast'); window.mypie.update(); });
you need add chart.js version: 1.0.2 form here work.
html code:
<canvas id="piechart" style="height: 325px; width: 550px !important; margin-left:17%; margin-top:3%;"></canvas>
jquery code:
var piechartcanvas = $("#piechart").get(0).getcontext("2d"); var piechart = new chart(piechartcanvas); var piedata = [ { value: '7', color: "#f56954", highlight: "#f56954", label: "abc" }, { value: '5', color: "#605ca8", highlight: "#605ca8", label: "xyz" }, { value: '9', color: "#37495f", highlight: "#37495f", label: "asdf" }, { value: '4', color: "#2b908f", highlight: "#2b908f", label: "lkh" }]; var pieoptions = { //boolean - whether should show stroke on each segment segmentshowstroke: true, //string - colour of each segment stroke segmentstrokecolor: "#fff", //number - width of each segment stroke segmentstrokewidth: 2, //number - percentage of chart cut out of middle percentageinnercutout: 50, // 0 pie charts //number - amount of animation steps animationsteps: 100, //string - animation easing effect animationeasing: "easeoutbounce", //boolean - whether animate rotation of doughnut animaterotate: true, //boolean - whether animate scaling doughnut centre animatescale: false, //boolean - whether make chart responsive window resizing responsive: true, // boolean - whether maintain starting aspect ratio or not when responsive, if set false, take entire container maintainaspectratio: true, //string - legend template legendtemplate: "<ul class=\"<%=name.tolowercase()%>-legend\"><% (var i=0; i<segments.length; i++){%><li><span style=\"background-color:<%=segments[i].fillcolor%>\"></span><%if(segments[i].label){%><%=segments[i].label%><%}%></li><%}%></ul>" }; //create pie or douhnut chart // can switch between pie , douhnut using method below. piechart.doughnut(piedata, pieoptions);
hope helps.
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