node.js - mongodb aggregation get the total number of matched document -
i have following sample docs saved in mongogb, like:
{ name: 'andy', age: 19, description: 'aaa aaa aaa' } { name: 'andy', age: 17, description: 'bbb bbb bbb' } { name: 'leo', age: 10, description: 'aaa aaa aaa' } { name: 'andy', age: 17, description: 'ccc ccc ccc' }
what pipeline should total number of name in each of matched sets? can use sum number next pipe. pipeline have this:
var pip = [ { $match: { name: 'andy' } } ]
and want result like
{ name: 'andy', age: 19, description: 'aaa aaa aaa', total_andy: 3 } { name: 'andy', age: 17, description: 'bbb bbb bbb', total_andy: 3 } { name: 'andy', age: 17, description: 'ccc ccc ccc', total_andy: 3 }
i not clear want. , don't have enough reputation ask in comment. let me have shot @ answering. if answer isn't want, clarify question further , we'll it...
var term1group = {$group : {'_id' : '$name'}, 'total_names' : {$sum : 1}, 'ageanddescription' : {$addtoset : {'$age', '$description'}} } var term2unwind = {$unwind : '$ageanddescription'} var term3project = {$project : { _id : 0, 'name' : '_id', 'age' : '$ageanddescription.age', 'description' : '$ageanddescription.description', 'total_name' : 1 } db.collection.aggregate(term1group, term2unwind, term3project);
haven't tested hopeful work.
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