NSIS sql server installation error -

i installing sql server via nsis. while connecting sql sqlconnection object in c# gives me error "network related or instance specific error..."

i using following code. need create named instance sqlexpress2

execwait '"$instdir\sqlexpress2\sqlexprwt_x64_enu.exe" /q /action=install /features=sql,ssms /instancename=sqlexpress2/iacceptsqlserverlicenseterms="true" /enableranu=1 /addcurrentuserassqladmin="true" /sqlsvcaccount="nt authority\system" /sqlsysadminaccounts="" /agtsvcaccount="nt authority\system" /skiprules=rebootrequiredcheck'

and notices in sql configuration manager remote procedure call fails , named pipe , tcp ip protocols disabled.

i have installed sql express 2014 sp1 silent installation using nsis script works successfully.

function  installsql   execwait '"$temp\sqlexpradv_x64_enu.exe" /q /action=install /skiprules=rebootrequiredcheck /iacceptsqlserverlicenseterms /features=sql,ssms /instancename="sqlexpress2014" /sqlsvcaccount="nt authority\network service" /sqlsvcstartuptype=automatic /addcurrentuserassqladmin /enableranu=1 /hideconsole /securitymode=sql /sapwd="sql@1234" /agtsvcstartuptype=manual /npenabled=1 /tcpenabled=1'  functionend 


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