android - Anonymous class can be replaced with lambda hint -

i use library build dialogs:

i'm getting hint

anonymous new materialdialog.singlebuttoncallback() can replaced lambda hint.

since update android studio 2.4 prev 4, shows me issue: enter image description here

here code:

public void swapconfirm() {     materialdialog dialog = new materialdialog.builder(this)             .title(r.string.swap_teams)             .content(r.string.swap_confirm)             .positivetext(r.string.swap_teams)             .negativetext(android.r.string.cancel)             .onpositive(new materialdialog.singlebuttoncallback() {                 @override                 public void onclick(@nonnull materialdialog dialog, @nonnull dialogaction which) {                     swapteams("");                 }             }).build();; } 

how can change new lambda schema?

i tried following according this blog post, not work:enter image description here

as error variable dialog defined in scope change it's name dialog1 example , should work.

this error won't happen if let android studio convert anonymous class lambda clicking alt+ener , choose first choice intention list.


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