hadoop - Connection refused exception on running giraph -

i trying run example programs on giraph giraph definitive guide book, have installed hadoop-2.8.0 on machine, , have packaged example code jar file , running following command

hadoop jar /usr/local/giraph-1.2.0-hadoop2-for-hadoop-2.5.1/giraph-examples-1.2.0-hadoop2.jar org.apache.giraph.giraphrunner -libjars /home/kumard/learngiraph/target/learngiraph-1.0-snapshot.jar -vif org.apache.giraph.io.formats.textdoubledoubleadjacencylistvertexinputformat -vip $home/learngiraph/src/main/resources -vof org.apache.giraph.io.formats.graphvizoutputformat -op $home/desktop -w 1 -ca giraph.splitmasterworker=false

but when following exception

17/04/06 16:50:48 info utils.configurationutils: no edge input format specified. ensure inputformat not require one. 17/04/06 16:50:48 info utils.configurationutils: no edge output format  specified. ensure outputformat not require one. 17/04/06 16:50:48 info utils.configurationutils: setting custom argument [giraph.splitmasterworker] [false] in giraphconfiguration 17/04/06 16:50:49 warn ipc.client: failed connect server: localhost/ try once , fail.java.net.connectexception: connection refused @ sun.nio.ch.socketchannelimpl.checkconnect(native method) 

is because of hadoop version using ? work around ?


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