Android open .docx file via ContentResolver in QuickOffice crashes -

for reason code opening downloaded file, , in instance .docx not work quickoffice, exception i'm getting this:

06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): fatal exception: main 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): process:, pid: 2889 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): java.lang.nullpointerexception 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): @ 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): @ 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): @ 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): @ 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): @ 06-02 22:04:05.356: e/androidruntime(2889): @

my code establishing intent is:

intent install = new intent(intent.action_view); string mimetype = getmimetype(tempfile);  uri uri = uri.parse("content://com.companyname/"+ filename); install.setdataandtype(uri, mimetype); install.setflags(intent.flag_activity_no_history);  intent intent = intent.createchooser(install, "open file");   _progressdialog.getcontext().startactivity(intent); 

my content provider code is:

    public class downloadedfilecontentprovider extends contentprovider {          @override         public parcelfiledescriptor openfile(uri uri, string mode) throws filenotfoundexception {         file privatefile = new file(getcontext().getcachedir(), uri.getpath());         return, parcelfiledescriptor.mode_read_write);         }             //other overridden methods return false , null contentprovider class.      } 

i'm out of ideas, case microsoft office on android, document doesn't open @ all. office suite application opens everything.

i did below

            file file = new file(filepath);             intent intent = new intent(intent.action_view);             mimetypemap mimetypemap = mimetypemap.getsingleton();             string fileextension = filepath.substring(filepath.lastindexof(".") + 1);             fileextension = fileextension.tolowercase();             if(mimetypemap.getmimetypefromextension(fileextension) != null) {                 string type = mimetypemap.getmimetypefromextension(fileextension);                  if(istablet(activity))                 {                     if(fileextension.equals("txt"))                     {                         intent.setdataandtype(uri.fromfile(file), "text/plain");    //changed uri.parse(fp, type) method                     }                     else                     {                         intent.setdataandtype(uri.fromfile(file), type);                     }                 }                 else                 {                     intent.setdataandtype(uri.fromfile(file), type);                 }                                     try{                     activity.startactivityforresult(intent, constants.request_authentication_completed);                 }catch(android.content.activitynotfoundexception e){                     system.out.println("exception : "+e.getlocalizedmessage());                 }                                } 


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