angularjs - Angular - getting data with a factory -

i'm modifying way app gets it's data.

the app got data on page load this

<script>     var entries = <?php echo $this->entriesdata; ?>; </script> 

and in angular controller

$scope.entries = entries; 

requirements changed user able go forward or backward 1 week added factory app supposed load data when page loads , refresh data when changeweek() fired. according console factory (loaddata) fires when page loads , again on changeweek() , data comes down server expected. problem view doesn't display data. i'm assuming i'm not returning data $scope.entries correctly. please!

var timeentry = angular.module('timeentry', ['ui.select2']);  timeentry.factory('loaddata', function($http){     var url = 'index/getentries';     var returndata = '';     var factory = {};     factory.getdata = function(sdate, edate){         $.post(url, {week_start: sdate, week_end: edate})         .done(function(json, textstatus){             if (textstatus === 'success') {                 returndata = json;             }else{                 // handle fail             }         })         .fail(function(){})         .always(function(){});         return returndata;     };     return factory; });  timeentry.controller('timeentrycontroller', ['$scope','loaddata', function ($scope, loaddata) {     $scope.loading = true;      $           = [];     $     = startdate;     $       = enddate;      $scope.entries = loaddata.getdata($, $;      $scope.weektotal      = 0;     $scope.timeentryerror = [];      $scope.$watch('entries', function(newnames, oldnames) {         $scope.datacount = newnames.length;         $scope.timeentryerror = [];         calculatetotals();         checkdayhours();         checkspecialdays();      }, true);      $scope.changeweek = function(change) {         sdate = moment($;         edate = moment($;         $ = sdate.add(moment.duration(change, 'week')).format('yyyy-mm-dd');         $   = edate.add(moment.duration(change, 'week')).format('yyyy-mm-dd');         $scope.entries = loaddata.getdata();     }; }]); 


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