c# - Can LocalDb and SQL Enterprise 2012 run side by side? -
i've installed sql enterprise 2012 , localdb appears inoperable. can access localdb command line , see instance referencing indeed running, when run project code first migrations enabled uses instance (localdb)\v11.0, error stating connection string may incorrect. didn't change connection string @ all, connection string set default while creating new project in visual studio 2012.
has had same issue? there fix running both side side?
here's exact error getting:
an error occurred while getting provider information database. can caused entity framework using incorrect connection string. check inner exceptions details , ensure connection string correct.
and exception:
system.data.providerincompatibleexception: error occurred while getting provider information database. can caused entity framework using incorrect connection string. check inner exceptions details , ensure connection string correct. ---> system.data.providerincompatibleexception: provider did not return providermanifesttoken string. ---> system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception: network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing connection sql server. server not found or not accessible. verify instance name correct , sql server configured allow remote connections. (provider: sql network interfaces, error: 50 - local database runtime error occurred. specified localdb instance not exist.
i realized issue was, helps else.
here section of web.config causing errors:
<entityframework> <defaultconnectionfactory type="system.data.entity.infrastructure.localdbconnectionfactory, entityframework"> <parameters> <parameter value="v12.0" /> </parameters> </defaultconnectionfactory> <providers> <provider invariantname="system.data.sqlclient" type="system.data.entity.sqlserver.sqlproviderservices, entityframework.sqlserver" /> </providers> </entityframework>
the parameter v12.0 value issue. seems after installed sql server 2012, generated parameter went v11.0 v12.0 causing version conflict. guess have installed newest version of sql server express (2014) , not had problem @ since version number indeed v12.0.
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