Unattended installation of Azure SDK via PowerShell -
i'm having problems create unattended installation of cmdlets of azure (it's msi file, windowsazure-powershell.0.8.3.msi, current version).
how can know parameters installation needs , how should write it?
in way?
$msifile= '<path>\windowsazure-powershell.0.8.3.msi' $arguments= ' /qn /l*v .\options.txt' start-process ` -file $msifile ` -arg $arguments ` -passthru | wait-process
so how can perform that?
thanks in advance.
don't worry commandline switches. can using wmi , powershell
$product= [wmiclass]"\\.\root\cimv2:win32_product" $product.install("c:\temp\windowsazure-powershell.0.8.3.msi")
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