javascript - undefined function when triggering a onmouseover of a div with jQuery -

i getting undefined function error. have defined function on onmouseover not working.

my code


<div class="col2" onmouseover="show_info('<?php echo $sub_menu['page_id'];  ?>');" onmouseout="hide_info();"> <a href="#"> <img src="css/images/img1.png" /> <h3><?php echo $sub_menu['page_title'];  ?></h3> </a> </div>    


<script>         function show_info(id)         {         alert('hiiii');         var data = "page_id ="+id;         $.ajax({         url:"get_page_info.php", type:"post",data=data,cache:false,         success: function(html)             {             document.getelementbyid('hide').style.display='none';             document.getelementbyid('show').innerhtml=html;             }         });         }          function hide_info()         {             document.getelementbyid('hide').style.display='block';             document.getelementbyid('show').style.display='none';         }     </script> 

please suggest

you have syntax error here

url:"get_page_info.php", type:"post",data=data,cache:false, 

change to

url:"get_page_info.php", type:"post",data:data,cache:false, 

working demo

you have problem data declaration "page_id ="+id;. mean "page_id="+id;, or indeed var data = {page_id: id};

here how handle using jquery avoid problem completely.

working demo

html - use class , store info in data.

<div class="col2 showinfo" data-showinfo="123"><h3>456</h3></div>  <div id="show" style="display:none">show</div> <div id="hide">hide</div> 

so in php read

<div class="col2 showinfo" data-showinfo="<?php echo $sub_menu['page_id']; ?>"> 


<script> $(function(){      $('.showinfo').hover(         function(){ // first 1 mouseover             var data = {page_id: $(this).data('showinfo')};             data.html="this page " + data.page_id; // jsfiddle test             console.log(data);             $.ajax({                 url:"/echo/html/", // jsfiddle test                 type:"post",                 data:data,                 cache:false,                 success: function(html){                     console.log(html);                    $('#hide').toggle();                    $('#show').toggle().html(html);                 }             });                     },          function(){ // second 1 mouseout             $('#hide, #show').toggle();         }    ); }); </script> 


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