Enable a mercurial extension in .hgrc only if it's present -

i have lot of things in .hgrc file keep in repository , share between computers.

i have lot of extensions enabled in [extensions] section, don't want use of them on of computers.

unfortunately, whenever try use mercurial shared .hgrc file on computer don't have every single 1 of specified extensions installed, message of form:

*** failed import extension evolve $hg_extensions/mutable-history/hgext/evolve.py: [errno 2] no such file or directory: '/home/botond/programs/mercurial/extensions/mutable-history/hgext/evolve.py' 

every time run hg command!

is there way avoid this? example, there way specify in .hgrc file, "load extension if can find it, otherwise don't load , quiet it"? (then, if try use extension, i'd error.)

additional search terms:

  • how conditionally enable mercurial extensions
  • activate mercurial extension based on condition
  • enable mercurial extension if exists

  • use projrc extension
  • enable , extensions in projrc's config
  • disable missing|not needed files in .hg/hgrc


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