hl7 - Apache Nifi RouteHL7 Issue -

i unable understand how use routehl7 processor in nifi, can 1 please guide me how use that.

i want add property in routehl7 processor. please guide me how use.


you add properties routehl7 processor same way other processor. there "+" button on top right of properties tab of configure processor dialog (right click on processor , select configure).

adding new property

you name property (this name of connection relationship flowfiles match) , provide query value. example:

glucose: declare result required obx select message result.4 < 60

glucose filter property

then drag connection routehl7 processor desired destination , select glucose relationship route there.

i've posted this template gist, , can @ unit tests routehl7 see other query examples.

apache nifi routehl7 flow


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