hybridauth's social_hub/login.php doesn't work -

i install hybridauth on windows iis, , setup hybridauth\config.php below: array( "base_url" => "http:///hybridauth/",

    "providers" => array (                    .....         "google" => array (              "enabled" => true,             "keys"    => array ( "id" => "<myappkey>", "secret" => "<myappsecret>" ),              "scope"   => "email"         ),              ) 

but when click "sign-in google" in http:///examples/social_hub/login.php, redirect me http:///hybridauth/?hauth.start=google&hauth.time=1401608000 show files under "localhost - /hybridauth/" know how fix it?

thank you!

1) not sure if scope set (you should have set "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email"

2) did set return address in google api correct?


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