IF statement output in bash? -

when run script first question asks "would use curl? [y/n]:" reply y or y. however, when instant output "unknown!". i'm expecting see next question code "great, want ignore certificates [y/n]: "

can edit code make work expected? , tell me why?

#!/bin/bash  echo "build command"  read -r -e -p "would use curl? [y/n]: "  curlstring="curl"  if [[ "${input,,}" == "y" ]];         read -r -e -p "great, want ignore certificates [y/n]: " input      if [[ "$input" == "y" ]];         curlstring=$curlstring" -k"     else         curlstring=$curlstring" "     fi      echo "$curlstring"     elif [[ "${input,,}" == "n" ]];     echo "bye"     else     echo "unknown!"     exit 0 fi 

the error not capturing user input first read command, change it,

read -r -e -p "would use curl? [y/n]: " input 

also bash quite sensitive constructs used, line number 15

fi echo "$curlstring" 

will throw syntax error saying below when give y or y 1 of options,

would use curl? [y/n]: y script.sh: line 15: syntax error near unexpected token `echo' script.sh: line 15: `    fi echo "$curlstring"    ' 

change separate lines.


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