Package TSclust in R, What is the definition of SAX.breakpoints.table function -

there function called mindist.sax in package tsclust. here body of function:

require(tsclust) > mindist.sax function (x, y, alpha, n)  {     w <- length(x)     symb <- sax.breakpoints.table(alpha)     d <- 0     (i in 1:w) {         xi <- x[i]         yi <- y[i]         if (abs(xi - yi) > 1) {             d <- d + (symb[max(xi, yi)] - symb[min(xi, yi) +                  1])^2         }     }     sqrt((n/w) * d) } <environment: namespace:tsclust> 

as can seen above, there function called sax.breakpoints.table has been re-called.

i need know exact definition of function (i.e. sax.breakpoints.table). tried sax.breakpoints.table

> sax.breakpoints.table error: object 'sax.breakpoints.table' not found 

as as:

> ls("package:tsclust")  [1] "cluster.evaluation"    "" "diss"                  "diss.acf"               [5] ""      ""           ""           "diss.cdm"               [9] "diss.cid"              "diss.cor"              "diss.cort"             "diss.dtwarp"           [13] "diss.dwt"              "diss.eucl"             "diss.frechet"          ""          [17] "diss.mindist.sax"      "diss.ncd"              "diss.pacf"             "diss.pdc"              [21] "diss.per"              "diss.pred"             "diss.spec.glk"         "diss.spec.isd"         [25] "diss.spec.llr"         ""             "mindist.sax"           "paa"                   [29] "pvalues.clust" 

but couldn't find it!

>tsclust:::sax.breakpoints.table function (n)  {     qnorm(0:n/n) } <environment: namespace:tsclust> 

this question, view source code in r, viewing function within package, hidden ones.

hope helps


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