python - Django: update only items that are checked -
i'd build table multiple items have checkboxes, if checkboxes checked want update items via button click.
i got update view that, 1 item , if save button item pressed (every table item got it's own button). code looks this:
<table> <thead> <tr> <th colspan="4"> <button type "submit">my submit button</button> </th> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2">my title</th> <th>movie title</th> <th>movie description</th> <th>and on</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th> <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input"> </th> <th>data</th> <th>data</th> <th>data</th> <th>data</th> <th> <button>button edit row item</button> </th> <th> <button type="submit" form="movie{{ forloop.counter }}">button save changes</button> </th> </tr> <tr> <th> <input type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input"> </th> <th>data</th> <th>data</th> <th>data</th> <th>data</th> <th> <button>button edit row item</button> </th> <th> <button type="submit" form="movie{{ forloop.counter }}">button save changes</button> </th> </tr> </tbody> <!-- form saving 1 movie --> <form class="hide" id="movie{{ forloop.counter }}" action="{% url 'myapp:moviedataupdate' %}" method="post"> {% csrf_token %} </form> </table>
this existing view/urls/form save button on each row:
django.conf.urls import url . import views app_name = "myapp" urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', views.allmovies.as_view(), name="index"), views.updatemoviedataview.as_view(), name='moviedataupdate'), ]
class updatemoviedataview(updateview): model = movie form_class = updatemoviedataform success_url = reverse_lazy('myapp:index') def form_valid(self, form): self.object.slug = slugify(form.cleaned_data['title']) return super(updatemoviedataview, self).form_valid(form)
class updatemoviedataform(forms.modelform): class meta: model = movie fields = ['title', 'date', 'director', 'runtime', 'genre', 'status']
i hope me here, tried figure out, didn't succeeded yet. maybe lot more experience can :)
you can add javascript on (jquery easy start).
you first add jquery html page (download here).
then add id checkbox (example below):
<input id="my_checkbox1" type="checkbox" class="custom-control-input">
and then, add javascript code (at html) detect checkbox change, , make ajax server.
<script> $("#my_checkbox1").change(function() { if(this.checked) { $.post("{% url 'myapp:moviedataupdate' %}", {}, function(data, status){ console.log("data: " + data + "\nstatus: " + status); }); } # if want, make else }); </script>
some sources used here:
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