Android/Ios in-app billing. unique ID -
i made cordova 3.3 app android , ios, , want sell premium version permit save settings , data every on distant database easy recovery if change phones.
initially thought google/apple account email seems not possible.
so thought need unique id item purchased should use userid on distant database.
i use plugin android:
so,, fail, productid) , inappbilling.getpurchases(success, fail) both return json object ex:
{"orderid":"12999763169054705758.1385463868367493", "packagename":"com.example.mypackage", "productid":"example_subscription", "purchasetime":1397590291362, "purchasestate":0, "purchasetoken":""}
can confirm me orderid strictly unique on android? (with source link or proof pls) ?
i have same issue on ios, know if value can make deal on ios? can't see return value of restore function in plugin:
if it's ok both, regist id : "android_" + orderid or "ios_" + ??? user id
ok found answer on ref... sorry.
"orderid : unique order identifier transaction. corresponds google wallet order id." think it's ok android. on ios ref.
if think better idea case, feel free add answer.
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