c# - Calling SQL procedure multiple times takes excessive time -
c# code:
private void picinward_click(object sender, eventargs e) { for(datarow dr in dtdata.rows) { updatelocation(dr["docid"].tostring(), convert.toint32(dr["siteid"].tostring())); } } private void updatelocation(string docid, int locid) { try { arraylist sqlparameterarraylist = new arraylist(); string strqry = "updatedocloc"; sqlparameter sqpdocid = new sqlparameter("docid", sqldbtype.varchar); sqpdocid.value = docid; sqlparameterarraylist.add(sqpdocid); sqlparameter sqplocid = new sqlparameter("locid", sqldbtype.int); sqplocid.value = locid; sqlparameterarraylist.add(sqplocid); dbhelper.executestoredprocedure(strqry, sqlparameterarraylist); } catch(exception ex) { messagebox.show(ex.message, "alert", messageboxbuttons.ok, messageboxicon.error); } }
sql procedure:
create procedure updatedocloc @docid varchar(50), @locid int begin update docmaster set siteid = @locid documentid = @docid insert hsdocmaster(docid, locid, modifieddate, isdeleted) value(@docid, @locid, getdate(), 0) end
this sample code, relatively have huge procedure code has update multiple tables , insert values in other tables plus table has trigger fires on update. have update 1000 odd records , method of repeatedly calling procedure time consuming. there better way done reasonably faster?
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