ios - Passing value of URL link by NSString -

the problem here: when try pass link string 1 controller another, somehow lose part of text, , nsstring, named self.entitylinktowiki = Московский_Кремль, notМосковский_Кремль should be!

my app have structure of table view, firstly, load tableview, after pass values xml depends of indexpath.row. values except web links works fine, , explain way did this. there part of web link in xml file:Московский_Кремль that, did following:

in "first" (tableview list) controller pass values this:

-(void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{   if ([segue.identifier isequaltostring:@"detailsegue"]){     nsindexpath *indexpath = [self.tableview indexpathforcell:sender];     nsstring *string = [[self.listofplacedetails objectatindex:indexpath.row]objectforkey:@"description"];     detailviewcontroller     *detailcontroller =  segue.destinationviewcontroller;     detailcontroller.descriptionstringshort  =string; 

....a lot of code here

detailcontroller.fourthphotostring = [[self.listofplacedetails objectatindex:indexpath.row] objectforkey:@"imagefourth"];  detailcontroller.weblink = [[self.listofplacedetails objectatindex:indexpath.row]     objectforkey:@"webpage"]; }    } 

image link has nothing web link, post it, picture pass values in way , work fine. then, pass values "detail" controller controller, have uiwebview:

-(void)prepareforsegue:(uistoryboardsegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{ 

.... lot of code here

if ([segue.identifier isequaltostring:@"websegue"]){      webviewcontroller *webcontroller = segue.destinationviewcontroller;     webcontroller.entitylinktowiki = self.weblink;     nslog(@"websegue link %@", self.weblink);   } } 

and nslog says, self.weblink - Московский_Кремль (incorrect value). therefore, didn't correct link uiwebview. now, question - how correct link passing did? don't want bother load xml file in final controller, because need information of indexpath.row, correct value (i have lot of entities in xml file).

thank provide


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