java - Unresolved compilation but library already in classpath -

i'm facing weird problem trying build component:

this custom component talend open studio, actually, problem seems more general , it's not related talend.

the unresolved compilation problems related 2 classes located in twitter4j-stream-4.0.1.jar

the library correctly imported , linked, may see command use execute it:

c:/program files (x86)/java/jre7/bin/java.exe -xms256m -xmx1024m -verbose -dfile.encoding=utf-8 -cp e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/dom4j-1.6.1.jar;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/guava-13.0.jar;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/talend-bridge-api-0.2.jar;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/ttwitterstreaminput-1.1.jar;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/twitter-commodities-0.2.jar;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/twitter4j-core-4.0.1.jar;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/twitter4j-stream-4.0.1.jar;.;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/classes;e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib; test.twitterstream_0_1.twitterstream 

but exeception leaves no doubt:

exception in thread "main" java.lang.error: unresolved compilation problems:      method addlistener(statuslistener) type talendrowtweetbehaviour refers missing type statuslistener     method addfilter(filterquery) type talendrowtweetbehaviour refers missing type filterquery      @ test.twitterstream_0_1.twitterstream.ttwitterstreaminput_1process(     @ test.twitterstream_0_1.twitterstream.ttwitteroauth_1process(     @ test.twitterstream_0_1.twitterstream.runjobintos(     @ test.twitterstream_0_1.twitterstream.main( 

using -verbose command line parameter can check loaded classes. effectively, statuslistener , filterquery not loaded. i've no clue on why thery not, since library available , explicited in classpath!

edit: added screenshot better clarity. i'm wondering why unresolved class declared @ line 733 error @ line 737 only...

enter image description here

i noticed twitter jar declared e:/talendworkspaces/.java/lib/ttwitterstreaminput-1.1.jar. sure small 't' @ beginning? seems java can't find jar due wrong filename.


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