c++ - How to send commend to device using QSerialPort -

i trying use qserialport information sonar(echorange smart sensor), have no experience in field. settings of portname, baudrate(4800,tested others rates), databits(8bit),flowcontrol(no),parity(no) , stopbits(two), can dataflow :

const qbytearray data=m_serialport->readall(); qdebug()<< qstring(data)

but output strange.

b'\x00\x00' b'[' b'\xd7\xd7\xd7uu\xed\xedn-\xd9\x95\xeb\xb7' b'ywewq' b'\xa7\x9b\x93\xa3\x8f' b'\x8d\xa7y\xab\x99' b'\x9d\xe5\xeb\x00'

but according nmea 0183 standard, should like:


i wonder if have send device command tell data emit. tested




nothing change, indicator light shows device receive signal.

could tell me how example depth data in protocol below? thank in advance! http://www.tronico.fi/oh6nt/docs/nmea0183.pdf enter image description here


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