cordova: "unfortunately app stopped"; also memory not released (on disk) -

i'm trying use cordova run application. each time tells me "unfortunately app stopped".

plus, memory on disk not released when helloworld2 app fails run: have delete files time time cause cordova tells me there's no more space on disk , on.

can give me hint on may happening? i'm using arch way operating system.

i issued these commands:

cordova create hello2 com.example.hello helloworld2 cordova platoform add android cordova build android cordova emulate android 

the emulator runs , tells me after while "unfortunately application helloworld2 has stopped".

this config.ini emulator:

avd.ini.encoding=iso-8859-1 abi.type=armeabi-v7a disk.datapartition.size=200m hw.accelerometer=yes hw.audioinput=yes hw.battery=yes hw.cpu.arch=arm hw.cpu.model=cortex-a8 hw.dpad=no hw.device.hash2=md5:d3c9ed02af441ec949711439b9a48b85 hw.device.manufacturer=google 7 hw.gps=yes hw.keyboard=yes hw.lcd.density=213 hw.mainkeys=no hw.ramsize=1024 hw.sdcard=no hw.sensors.orientation=yes hw.sensors.proximity=no hw.trackball=no image.sysdir.1=system-images/android-19/android-wear/armeabi-v7a/ skin.dynamic=yes skin.path=800x1280 snapshot.present=true tag.display=android wear vm.heapsize=32 

the application standard cordova examples set understand ill include here in case:

<html>     <head>         <meta charset="utf-8" />         <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" />         <!-- warning: ios 7, remove width=device-width , height=device-height attributes. see -->         <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width, height=device-height, target-densitydpi=device-dpi" />         <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css" />         <meta name="msapplication-tap-highlight" content="no" />         <title>hello world</title>     </head>     <body>         <div class="app">             <h1>apache cordova</h1>             <div id="deviceready" class="blink">                 <p class="event listening">connecting device</p>                 <p class="event received">device ready</p>             </div>         </div>         <script type="text/javascript" src="cordova.js"></script>         <script type="text/javascript" src="js/index.js"></script>         <script type="text/javascript">             app.initialize();         </script>     </body> </html> 

and js file:

var app = {     // application constructor     initialize: function() {         this.bindevents();     },     // bind event listeners     //     // bind events required on startup. common events are:     // 'load', 'deviceready', 'offline', , 'online'.     bindevents: function() {         document.addeventlistener('deviceready', this.ondeviceready, false);     },     // deviceready event handler     //     // scope of 'this' event. in order call 'receivedevent'     // function, must explicitly call 'app.receivedevent(...);'     ondeviceready: function() {         app.receivedevent('deviceready');     },     // update dom on received event     receivedevent: function(id) {         var parentelement = document.getelementbyid(id);         var listeningelement = parentelement.queryselector('.listening');         var receivedelement = parentelement.queryselector('.received');          listeningelement.setattribute('style', 'display:none;');         receivedelement.setattribute('style', 'display:block;');          console.log('received event: ' + id);     } }; 

and build output:

this me on line: cordova emulate android running command: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordova/run --emulator buildfile: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/build.xml  -set-mode-check:  -set-debug-files:  -check-env:  [checkenv] android sdk tools revision 22.6.3  [checkenv] installed @ /opt/android-sdk  -setup:      [echo] project name: helloworld2   [gettype] project type: application  -set-debug-mode:  -debug-obfuscation-check:  -pre-build:  -build-setup: [getbuildtools] using latest build tools: 19.1.0      [echo] resolving build target helloworld2... [gettarget] project target:   android 4.4.2 [gettarget] api level:        19      [echo] ----------      [echo] creating output directories if needed...     [mkdir] created dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/rsobj     [mkdir] created dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/rslibs      [echo] ----------      [echo] resolving dependencies helloworld2... [dependency] library dependencies: [dependency]  [dependency] ------------------ [dependency] ordered libraries: [dependency]  [dependency] ------------------      [echo] ----------      [echo] building libraries 'debug'...  nodeps:  -set-mode-check:  -set-debug-files:  -check-env:  [checkenv] android sdk tools revision 22.6.3  [checkenv] installed @ /opt/android-sdk  -setup:      [echo] project name: cordovalib   [gettype] project type: android library  -set-debug-mode:  -debug-obfuscation-check:  -pre-build:  -build-setup: [getbuildtools] using latest build tools: 19.1.0      [echo] resolving build target cordovalib... [gettarget] project target:   android 4.4.2 [gettarget] api level:        19      [echo] ----------      [echo] creating output directories if needed...     [mkdir] created dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/rsobj     [mkdir] created dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/rslibs      [echo] ----------      [echo] resolving dependencies cordovalib... [dependency] library dependencies: [dependency] no libraries [dependency]  [dependency] ------------------  -code-gen: [mergemanifest] found deleted target file [mergemanifest] merging androidmanifest files one. [mergemanifest] manifest merger disabled. using project manifest only.      [echo] handling aidl files...      [aidl] no aidl files compile.      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling renderscript files...      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling resources...      [aapt] found modified input file      [aapt] generating resource ids...      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling buildconfig class... [buildconfig] no need generate new buildconfig.  -pre-compile:  -compile:      [echo] creating library output jar file...  -post-compile:  -obfuscate:  -dex:      [echo] library project: not convert bytecode...  -crunch:    [crunch] crunching png files in source dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/res    [crunch] destination dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/res    [crunch] crunched 0 png files update cache  -package-resources:      [echo] library project: not package resources...  -package:      [echo] library project: not package apk...  -post-package:  -do-debug:      [echo] library project: not create apk... [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/build.prop [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/build.prop [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/build.prop [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/build.prop  -post-build:  debug:  -code-gen: [mergemanifest] found deleted target file [mergemanifest] merging androidmanifest files one. [mergemanifest] manifest merger disabled. using project manifest only.      [echo] handling aidl files...      [aidl] no aidl files compile.      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling renderscript files...      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling resources...      [aapt] found new input file      [aapt] generating resource ids...      [echo] ----------      [echo] handling buildconfig class... [buildconfig] no need generate new buildconfig.  -pre-compile:      [echo] set jars path to: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/classes.jar  -compile:     [javac] compiling 2 source files /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/classes  -post-compile:  -obfuscate:  -dex:       [dex] input: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/classes       [dex] input: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/classes.jar       [dex] using pre-dexed classes-5c7cefdf4b27f91c57d1b79218836f79.jar <- /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build/classes.jar       [dex] found modified input file       [dex] converting compiled files , external libraries /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/classes.dex...        [dx] merged dex (7 defs/2.2kib) dex b (206 defs/314.1kib). result 213 defs/385.4kib. took 0.3s  -crunch:    [crunch] crunching png files in source dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/res    [crunch] destination dir: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/res    [crunch] crunched 0 png files update cache  -package-resources:      [aapt] found modified input file      [aapt] creating full resource package...  -package: [apkbuilder] found modified input file [apkbuilder] creating helloworld2-debug-unaligned.apk , signing debug key...  -post-package:  -do-debug:  [zipalign] running zip align on final apk...      [echo] debug package: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/helloworld2-debug.apk [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/build.prop [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/build.prop [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/build.prop [propertyfile] updating property file: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/build.prop  -post-build:      [move] moving 1 file /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build      [move] moving 1 file /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/cordovalib/ant-build  debug:  build successful total time: 3 seconds warning : no emulator specified, defaulting mobile06 waiting emulator... emulator: emulator window out of view , recentered  booting emulator (this may take while).........................boot complete installing app on emulator... using apk: /srv/http/proj04/cordova/hello2/platforms/android/ant-build/helloworld2-debug-unaligned.apk launching application... 

i use adb tools instead of emulator (in sense run code on phoen):



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