c# - Scale Y-Axis of a Chart depending on the Values within a section of X-Values for several Series -
i have got aplication this: textboxes below chart user can set min , max of x-axis of chart. code it:
private void textboxxaxismin_textchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { double x; //checks if input double , smaller max value //if (double.tryparse(this.textboxxaxismin.text, out x) && x < chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.maximum) if (double.tryparse(this.textboxxaxismin.text, out x)) { this.textboxxaxismin.backcolor = color.white; chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.minimum = convert.todouble(this.textboxxaxismin.text); //changeyscalamin(chartcharacteristiccurvesthermoelemts, convert.todouble(this.textboxcharacteristiccurvesthermoelementxmin.text), convert.todouble(this.textboxcharacteristiccurvesthermoelementxmax.text)); //method scale y axis } else //if textbox not highlighted this.textboxxaxismin.backcolor = color.orange; //calls max function update chart if max-value valid double y; //checks if input double , greater min value if (double.tryparse(this.textboxxaxismax.text, out y) && y > chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.minimum) { this.textboxxaxismax.backcolor = color.white; chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.maximum = convert.todouble(this.textboxxaxismax.text); //method scale y axis } else //if textbox not highlighted this.textboxxaxismax.backcolor = color.orange; }
now have y-axis scaled automatically. y-min should calulated min value of series in section of (x-min , x-max) , y-max maximum of series in selected section. problem implementation.
in example, y-min should changed 50.
i hosted hole exampleproject here @ githup.
this scale y-axis minimum , maximum values between minimum , maximum values[0] of x-axis series 0 1:
double max = double.minvalue; double min = double.maxvalue; double leftlimit = chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.minimum; double rightlimit = chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.maximum; (int s = 0; s <= 1; s++) { foreach (datapoint dp in chart1.series[s].points) { if (dp.xvalue >= leftlimit && dp.xvalue <= rightlimit) { min = math.min(min, dp.yvalues[0]); max = math.max(max, dp.yvalues[0]); } } } chart1.chartareas[0].axisy.maximum = max; chart1.chartareas[0].axisy.minimum = min;
edit: while testing noticed resetting min&max values not quite obvious. here how:
chart1.chartareas[0].axisy.minimum = double.nan; chart1.chartareas[0].axisy.maximum = double.nan; chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.minimum = double.nan; chart1.chartareas[0].axisx.maximum = double.nan;
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