onsen ui - How to control page routes in the controller? -

onsenui great. fast , easy. however, there not documentation controlling onsen logic in controller.

like instance, want $location.path('/newpath') inside controller. how done in onsen? tried "ons.navigator.pushpage('partials/latestjob.html');" in controller function doesn't work. limited ng-click in onsen go page?


in onsen ui 1.04, can access navigator inside controller follows.


another way


where #navigator id of navigator put on s.t.

<ons-navigator id="navigator" page="page1.html"></ons-navigator>  

this method can choose navigator use.

the third way 1 obtaining navigator scope. example,

var element = document.queryselector( ".navigator-container"); var scope = angular.element( element ).scope(); scope.pushpage(pagename); 

the class name .navigator-container built-in class name of onsen ui navigator. goes in onsen ui 1.0.

adding: example of $rootscope

myapp.controller('myctrl', function($scope, $rootscope) {   $scope.pushpage = function(pagename) {     $rootscope.ons.navigator.pushpage(pagename);   } }); 


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