javascript - Parallelize execution of browsers by using CodeceptJS/WebdriverIO -

i using codeceptjs automation testing in javascript internally uses webdriverio. have achieved run on sauce, using mentioned framework.

i have accomplished run automation test cases in different browsers in sauce lab using desired capabilities but 1 browser @ time.


  1. to parallelize test files runs on single browsers in sauce lab.
  2. to parallelize test runs on multiple browsers in sauce lab.

it great have both of above mentioned combinations.

what configuration should provide achieve above 2 requirement on webdriverio / codeceptjs.

here configuration passed sauce labs.


webdriverio: {   url: "http://localhost:3000",   browser: chrome,   waitfortimeout: 60000,   restart: false,   loglevel: "silent",   cssselectorsenabled: "true",   timeouts: {     script: 60000,     "page load": 60000,     implicit : 0   },   "host": "",   "port":80,   "user":"<sauce_user_name>",   "key": "<sauce_access_key>”,   desiredcapabilities :{     "chrome": {       "browsername": "chrome",       "name": "test_chrome",       "platform": "any",       "version": "55.0"     }   } } 

these list of desired capabilities using , picking 1 capability based on selected browser name:

{   "internet explorer": {     "browsername": "internet explorer",     "name": "test_ie",     "platform": "windows 7",     "ignorezoomsetting": true,     "nativeevents": false,     "ignoreprotectedmodesettings": true,     "version": "11"   },   "chrome": {     "browsername": "chrome",     "name": "test_chrome",     "platform": "any",     "version": "55.0"   },   "firefox": {     "browsername": "firefox",     "name": "test_firefox",     "platform": "any",     "version": "51.0"   },   "safari": {     "browsername": "safari",     "name": "test_safari",     "platform": "os x 10.11",     "version": "10.0"   },   "opera": {     "browsername": "opera",     "name": "test_opera",     "platform": "windows 7",     "version": "any"   },   "microsoftedge": {     "browsername": "microsoftedge",     "name": "test_ieedge",     "platform": "windows 10",     "version": "13"   } } 

i've never used codeceptjs. however, uses wdio, possible use maxinstances property configure number of browers run in parallel.

take @ wdio documentation:


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