javascript - Parallelize execution of browsers by using CodeceptJS/WebdriverIO -
i using codeceptjs automation testing in javascript internally uses webdriverio. have achieved run on sauce, using mentioned framework.
i have accomplished run automation test cases in different browsers in sauce lab using desired capabilities but 1 browser @ time.
- to parallelize test files runs on single browsers in sauce lab.
- to parallelize test runs on multiple browsers in sauce lab.
it great have both of above mentioned combinations.
what configuration should provide achieve above 2 requirement on webdriverio / codeceptjs.
here configuration passed sauce labs.
webdriverio: { url: "http://localhost:3000", browser: chrome, waitfortimeout: 60000, restart: false, loglevel: "silent", cssselectorsenabled: "true", timeouts: { script: 60000, "page load": 60000, implicit : 0 }, "host": "", "port":80, "user":"<sauce_user_name>", "key": "<sauce_access_key>”, desiredcapabilities :{ "chrome": { "browsername": "chrome", "name": "test_chrome", "platform": "any", "version": "55.0" } } }
these list of desired capabilities using , picking 1 capability based on selected browser name:
{ "internet explorer": { "browsername": "internet explorer", "name": "test_ie", "platform": "windows 7", "ignorezoomsetting": true, "nativeevents": false, "ignoreprotectedmodesettings": true, "version": "11" }, "chrome": { "browsername": "chrome", "name": "test_chrome", "platform": "any", "version": "55.0" }, "firefox": { "browsername": "firefox", "name": "test_firefox", "platform": "any", "version": "51.0" }, "safari": { "browsername": "safari", "name": "test_safari", "platform": "os x 10.11", "version": "10.0" }, "opera": { "browsername": "opera", "name": "test_opera", "platform": "windows 7", "version": "any" }, "microsoftedge": { "browsername": "microsoftedge", "name": "test_ieedge", "platform": "windows 10", "version": "13" } }
i've never used codeceptjs. however, uses wdio, possible use maxinstances property configure number of browers run in parallel.
take @ wdio documentation:
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