formatting - sml-mode for emacs does extremely strange things. Is there an alternative, or an easy elisp fix? -

i'm having lot of trouble getting sml-mode in emacs sanely indent code. example, here block behaving particularly strangely:

    datatype type_node       = param of typaram.t       | longid of longid.t       | offset of field * field list option       | list of type_t list       | fun of type_t list * t list       |       | vproc       | cont of tyarg.t list option       | addr of type_t          , dataconsdef_node              = consdef of bomid.t * type_t option          , field_node              = immutable of int * type_t              | mutable of int * type_t          , fundef_node              = def of attrs.t option * bomid.t * typaram.t list option                       * param.t list option * param.t list option * type_t * exp_t          , varpat_node              = wild              | var of bomid.t * type_t option          , caserule_node              = longrule of longid.t * varpat_t list * exp_t            | literalrule literal.t * exp_t            | defaultrule of varpat_t * exp_t          , tycaserule_node              = tyrule of type_t * exp_t              | default of exp_t          , simpleexp_node              = primop of 'var prim.prim * simpleexp_t list              | allocid of longid.t * simpleexp_t list              | alloctype of type.t * simpleexp_t list              | atindex of int * simpleexp_t * simpleexp_t option              | typecast of type.t * simpleexp_t              | hostvproc              | vpload of int * simpleexp_t              | vpaddr of int * simpleexp_t              | vpstore of int * simpleexp_t * t              | id of longid.t              | lit of literal.t              | mlstring of string          , exp_node              = let of varpat.t list * rhs * t              | of simpleexp.t * t              | fun of fundef.t list * t              | cont of bomid.t * param.t list option * t * t              | if of simpleexp.t * t * t              | case of simpleexp.t * caserule.t list                      | typecase of typaram.t * tycaserule.t list                                  | apply of longid.t * simpleexp.t list option * simpleexp.t list option                                           | throw of longid.t * simpleexp.t list option                                                    | return of simpleexp.t list option   , foo_node           = bar 

apologies huge code dump, content doesn't matter -- extremely inconsistent indentation. attempting define signatures inside of structure foo : sig ... end = struct ... end block worse:

structure attrs : sig               type t               datatype node                 = attributes of string list                                        include wrapped                                        sharing type node' = node                                                                 sharing type obj = t           end 


functor dowrap(type node) : sig             type t = node wrap.t                           include wrapped                           sharing type node' = node                                                    sharing type obj = t         end = struct                             open wrap                             type t = node wrap.t                             type node' = node                             type obj = t                             end 

i'm diehard emacs fan , hate have avoid on project, since it's 1 i'll working on the next few months. however, can't turn code in supervisor. above behavior when select block of text , indent-region.

i've looked @ this answer, solution doesn't apply, since behavior m-c-\ gives me, , huge pain work on code without being able auto-indent whole file.

is there easy fix this? there alternative sml-mode implementations?

presuming using latest version of sml mode gnu elpa, looks have hit corner-case in built-in smie grammar of sml mode breaks down. had similar issues tuareg mode ocaml.

you need downgrade version of sml mode version 4.0 or lower, can obtain these versions not yet use smie indentation, ad-hoc indentation code. @ least ocaml , tuareg, found old-fashioned approach yield better , more reliable indentation.

you may want report issue maintainer of sml mode, though, mail address can find in header of sml mode, or in footer of aforementioned website.


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