scala - Play Json - Conflict when deserialize model -
i met strange issue in unit test serialization / deserializable of case class in json. i'm using play-json (2.5.10)
, defined model events :
case class bffevent ( starttime: long, endtime: long, eventtype: bffeventtype.value, // enum payload: option[payload] ) object bffevent { implicit val bffeventformat = json.format[bffevent] }
adt many sub-types put conflicted case classes :
sealed trait payload case class userflag ( flag: option[bffeventflag], freetext: option[string], source: option[bffeventsource], timestamp : option[timestamp] ) extends payload case class communicationmode(mode: int) extends payload implicit val payloadreads = { val userflag = json.reads[userflag] val communicationmode = json.reads[communicationmode][userflag](userflag).map(x => x: payload) |[communicationmode](communicationmode).map(x => x: payload) } implicit val payloadwrites = writes[payload] { case userflag: userflag => json.writes[userflag].writes(userflag) case communicationmode: communicationmode => json.writes[communicationmode].writes(communicationmode) }
in unit test, check if can read/write json of payload model :
val communicationmode = bffevent(0, 0, bffeventtype.communicationmode, some(communicationmode(0))) should "serialize , deserialize communicationmode" in { val validatedjson = json.tojson(communicationmode).validate[bffevent] validatedjson should be(jssuccess(communicationmode)) }
test output :
bffevent(0,0,communicationmode,some(communicationmode(0))) jssuccess(bffevent(0,0,communicationmode,some(userflag(none,none,none,none))),) jssuccess(bffevent(0,0,communicationmode,some(userflag(none,none,none,none))),) not equal jssuccess(bffevent(0,0,communicationmode,some(communicationmode(0))),) scalatestfailurelocation: com.bioserenity.bff.test.test_bff_models_serialiazer$$anonfun$1 @ (test_bff_models_serialiazer.scala:81) expected :jssuccess(bffevent(0,0,communicationmode,some(communicationmode(0))),) actual :jssuccess(bffevent(0,0,communicationmode,some(userflag(none,none,none,none))),)
while input json conversion bffevent
payload, translated in userflag
. think issue comes order of match in payloadreads
function changing order of match cases creates conflits if met issue before, can provides me tip solve or better, solution ?
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