android - Get google plus followers using cordova ionic 2 -

i new angular2 , ionic2. have been developing android application firebase (angular-fire2) , ionic2.

in app, integrated google login cordova plugin google plus ionic native , getting userid, idtoken, etc.

with values creating firebase credential , authenticating firebase succesfully.

but problem how can followers list of logged user?

i have seen 2 google api's, plus web api people api

but these 2 not giving followers.

please, can me?

yes, have use google people api.

method: people.connections.list

provides list of authenticated user's contacts merged linked profiles.

http request{resourcename=people/*}/connections 

response json

{   "connections": [     {       object(person)     }   ],   "nextpagetoken": string,   "nextsynctoken": string,   "totalpeople": number, } 


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