java - getting server exception while running Distributed load in jmeter -

i trying run distributed load on 2 machine [ 50% master:local host , 50% slave machine]

while running test slave machine [ set properties file @ master machine] , run scenario in non gui mode

jmeter -n -t script.jmx -r <slavemachineip> -l log.jtl

getting below exception :

error in rconfigure() method java.rmi.serverexception: remoteexception occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.rmi.unmarshalexception: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: kg.apc.jmeter.threads.ultimatethreadgroup (no security manager: rmi class loader disabled) 

remote engines have been started

could please above error

regards, perftester

you need install @ least ultimate thread group plugin remote slaves. can done using jmeter plugins manager

also aware jmeter master doesn't produce load, reads test plan, applies configuration , sends execution remote slaves. "master" node won't produce load unless run jmeter-server on it.



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